Whole30 Breakfast

One of the biggest issues that many people (including myself) seem to have when they are getting the hang of the Whole30 is breakfast! Believe me when I say I get it. Just switching to Paleo showed me how often we rely on refined carbs and sugars for breakfast.

Oddly enough, these two energy sources are actually burned up very quickly by the body. This, and the lack of healthy fats, is what leaves you feeling like you are starving a few hours later. When you eat the correct amount of protein (1-2 palm sized portions), healthy fat (a thumb size portion) and veggies (the rest of your plate), you will be amazed at your energy levels, as well as your hunger levels (or lack thereof). Remember, the Whole30 is not about restricting your calorie intake! Starving yourself may help you lose a few pounds short term, but you will not feel your best. And odds are you will eventually go back to your old way of eating and gain that weight (and then some) back!

If you find that you are getting hungry within a few hours of eating breakfast, then you should look at your choices and ask questions. You may need to make some adjustments. Please note: It may take your body a few days to fully adjust to having adequate fat intake for breakfast, before you see the full effects; however, some difference should be noticed even with the first breakfast.

Here are a a few tips that I use to get me through a Whole30 breakfast:

  1. Find some quick Whole30 approved breakfast options that you like. Here are some of the big hits at our house:
    1. No-Egg Breakfast Bowl
    2. Butternut Squash, Kale & Ground Beef Breakfast Bowl
    3. Egg Cupcakes– If you do not have complaint bacon, then you can sub the meat for homemade sausage or any meat of choice. There are many veggie substitutes that will work as well.
    4. Throw some veggies and a meat/eggs in a skillet with some fat like in the picture above! Just make sure that if you use bacon or sausage that it is complaint.
  2. Keep it simple when you need to! A few hard boiled eggs, some avocado slices and some sauteed or raw veggies and you are good to go.
  3. Find some Whole30 approved breakfast options that you can freeze, preferably into individual portions. Two of my favorites are:
    1. Slow Cooker Breakfast Meatloaf– I omit the maple syrup and add 2 peeled and lightly sauteed apples, as well as 1 tablespoon chopped fresh rosemary. I also cut the red pepper flakes in half, because I am not super big on spicy. Since I am not awake 3 hours before breakfast, I prefer to make this ahead and freeze it into individual portions.
    2. Carrot and Apple Hash with Cinnamon & Ginger– I love to cook these ahead and flash freeze them for easy access on serving day.
  4. Lose the breakfast label all together. It took me awhile to prefer “dinner” for breakfast, but one of my favorite things to do is to put a meal into my slow cooker at bedtime and wake up to a tasty breakfast. I often eat roast and soup for breakfast! Pan-Seared salmon and veggies is one of my favorite things to eat when I first wake up.
  5. No matter what you eat, know what you are going to eat before you are hungry, especially when it comes to breakfast! I personally plan my breakfast the night before. I know if I wait too long to eat or eat an inadequate breakfast, it can really make the rest of my day a struggle.
    Breakfast Tip

    Always know what you are going to eat BEFORE       you are hungry! Especially for breakfast!

    I know that mornings can be hectic, even without adding in preparing a healthy, balanced breakfast, but I promise you won’t regret it! What is your favorite Whole30 complaint go-to for breakfast?

    DISCLAIMER: I am not a nutritionist or here to give you any health advice. Nothing that I say is meant to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or illness. Always seek advice from your trained medical provider. I am simply a whole food advocate and food lover, that wishes to help you get back to cooking with whole foods, in hopes that it will help you as much as it has me. I believe the things that I share to be true, because I have lived them! Everyone’s body is different and there is no one size fits all diet for anyone.

How to Make Simple, Delicious, Healthy Meals Without All of the Extras

When I asked people on my support group, “What do you struggle with the most when it comes to your healthy eating goals?” I received a variety of answers. Several of them were similar in nature, in the fact that they all were struggling to find affordable, simple recipes:

“$ (Money) it’s hard to find things here and when you can it’s marked up double or triple what it was back in CA.”

“Money-it’s so much more expensive to eat healthy.”

“Finding good recipes that aren’t overwhelming.”

“Quick, easy recipes that don’t require 30 different specialty ingredients. I know I need to be better about prepping on the weekend, but we only have so many hours in the day to get things accomplished!”

This was certainly a struggle of mine as well, when I first started out eliminating so many foods and cooking from scratch. Things like coconut aminos and toasted sesame oil are amazing, but they are also hard on my budget if used too frequently! So why don’t I struggle with this anymore?

Along with starting freezer meal prep, these five things keep simple, delicious, healthy meals on our table (with a little time and effort):

  1. Fresh Herbs
  2. Fresh Spices
  3. Dried Herbs
  4. Fresh Spices
  5. Practice

Learning to cook with herbs and spices has taken me from someone who used recipes every time I attempted to cook anything, to someone who can just throw “whatever” together! In fact, this is when I have created some of my tastiest dishes that so many people enjoy in my cooking classes and workshops. And as an added bonus, the ability to improvise using herbs and spices, can save you tons of time and money in the long run!

The most amazing thing about herbs and spices, is that they can make the EXACT same ingredients taste like completely different meals! Example, saute some chicken and veggies with:

  1. A Mexican Seasoning Mix
  2. A Thai Seasoning Mix
  3. An Italian Seasoning Mix

Even if you use the same vegetables for every dish, you will end up with 3 completely different tastes! This is why I feel the key to long-term diet change (for those who bore easily) is to know how to use herbs and spices. This does not even get into all of the health benefits of these amazing creations! (Which there are a TON!)

I am working on my first cookbook, which will have a more comprehensive guide for those who do not have the time to experiment in the kitchen. However, I don’t want to leave everyone hanging until then, so I thought I would type out a few herbs and spices to get you started on your journey!

Fresh Rosemary, Apples and Pork are always a winning combination. Also, be sure to try it out with some roasted lamb!

Cinnamon is most known for adding sweetness to your dish; however, it can also add a savory flavor that your dish is needing!

Fresh Basil is a useful herb to get to know as well. It is used to flavor things like sauces, soups and salads and goes particularly well with tomatoes.

Cumin can add a Middle Eastern, Mexican, Indian, North Africa or Southwestern US flavor to your dish; however, it is also used by some to sweeten their dish and even as a pickling spice. If you have never used this tasty spice, I highly encourage trying it out!

Fresh Parsley should be found in every refrigerator, since it can go into just about any dish you prepare! Flat leafed parsley is preferred for cooking since it holds up to heat the best, while curly parsley is used for decorative purposes most of the time.

Turmeric will add a yellowish color to your dish, as well as a mild woodsy flavor. It can be used in place of saffron for those on a budget and is great for making tea. Just be careful, as it can stain your dishes and clothes!

I prefer fresh herbs when possible, but here a great rule of thumb when they may be hard to find or if you are trying to use up what is in the cabinet:

1 teaspoon of the dried herb = 1 tablespoon of the fresh

Don’t be afraid to experiment and if you mess up, it isn’t the end of the world! I know it is hard to waste food, but it is all a learning experience! (And trust me, if you have to throw the food away, you will learn! I know. lol) Throw in some citrus fruits from time to time for that extra zest and you will be unstoppable! In the long run, it will save you money AND time, since you will be able to throw an amazing meal together from what you have on hand without all of the extras!